
Ask Yourself These 6 Questions After Your Third Date

Dating is hard. Sometimes you're swept off your feet. Other times you're underwhelmed. And occasionally, you have no idea what's next. There can be a lot of uncertainty, frustration, and even fear while dating. If you're dating to find a long-term partner, you're...

Couple holding hands, leaning away from each other as in dancing, with the starry sky behind them

What is Spiritual Trauma and How Does it Impact Me?

For many people across the world, faith is a source of comfort. Being part of a religious or spiritual community may offer people a feeling of being connected to a higher power. Faith can often give a sense of meaning and purpose to one's life. Religion may also...

Beautiful tree

How Embodiment Can Help You Love Your Body

Most of us know that we should love our body. We should speak more kindly to it. We should nourish our body with three nutritious meals a day. We've been told to shut down body shame every time it rears its ugly head as we step in front of the mirror. But loving...

Happy young woman in front of street art

Try this One Exercise to Accept Your Feelings

Acceptance is one of the most important skills you can master regarding your mental health. Whether you're learning how to live with grief, getting back into dating after a breakup, learning a new skill, working on your fitness goals, or assessing your strengths...

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