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Is There A “Right Way” to Get Angry?

How did you learn to think about your anger— Were you allowed to feel angry or did you learn how to stuff it down? Were you taught to express anger with your words or actions? Was it dismissed and invalidated with statements like “Calm down” or “Don’t overreact?”...

Conscious Dating Part 2: Is Your Relationship Built to Last?

Finding your partner, your “person,” the love of your life, the “one” is never as easy as it looks in the movies. You’ll often hear people say, “When you know, you know,” but it rarely seems to be that clear. Many of us were brought up with the belief that falling...

How to Heal From Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful situations an individual can go through. The first step to healing is meeting yourself where you are and admitting that you’re hurting. You’ve experienced something traumatic and things are going to be hard for a while. Our...

Women’s Mental Health Starts With Being Selfish

This month we celebrated women and girls on March 8th for International Women’s Day. I was reminded recently by an interview Brené Brown did with Melinda Gates on her podcast Unlocking Us about the power that women have to transform communities, economies, and...

Scheduled your first therapy session? Here’s how to prepare

You’ve researched and reached out, maybe called and contemplated, but you’ve officially scheduled your first therapy session, now what? We’ve outlined four things you should think through before your first therapy session.  How does your therapist make you feel? A...

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