
7 Trauma-Informed Resources That Can Help You Heal

Have you experienced trauma? Trauma is an impactful experience that can influence your emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. As therapists, our grasp of trauma's complexities is pivotal in providing the empathetic support that facilitates healing....

Attachment as a Necessary Part of Love

Of the millions of books about love, one favorite is The Course of Love, written by British author and philosopher Alain de Botton. A common theme in many of his works centers around the idea that: Love, in all its complexities, is the one facet of life we will...

How to Spot and Stop Gaslighting in Your Relationship

Chances are you have heard the term gaslighting; it was even Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year in 2022. The psychology buzzword has been heavily used (and misused!) in recent years, which can, unfortunately, dilute its meaning. The definition of gaslighting is...

Couple fight

The Best Resources to Build Your Self-Confidence

Welcome to our Therapist Resource Roundup. Each quarter, we share a list of resources focused on a different theme our therapists often work through with clients. Every roundup will feature books, articles, videos, and podcasts that our therapists recommend for the...

Happy woman, sun beam behind her

5 Essential Elements of a Great Online Dating Profile

Swipe right if you agree that online dating can feel overwhelming at times. If you've spent time in the apps, you know the stress over swiping and dating profile curation — and that's before you've expended any energy on a match with a real connection. Even in just...

Woman taking selfie

You Deserve Self-Care. Here Are 5 Free Activities to Try

Whether you're part of a busy family, full up at work, or have days packed with all sorts of responsibilities, it can feel tough to practice self-care regularly. Yet, as soon as you prioritize even a few minutes each day to check in with yourself, you decide what...

Woman twirling, backlit by the sunset

Ask Yourself These 6 Questions After Your Third Date

Dating is hard. Sometimes you're swept off your feet. Other times you're underwhelmed. And occasionally, you have no idea what's next. There can be a lot of uncertainty, frustration, and even fear while dating. If you're dating to find a long-term partner, you're...

Couple holding hands, leaning away from each other as in dancing, with the starry sky behind them

4 Types of Resources to Support Your Alcohol Sobriety

If getting sober is a hill, staying sober can feel like a mountain. Thankfully, there are many resources to help a recovering alcoholic. From books to seminars, there are lots of ways you can experience the benefits of alcohol recovery and sobriety. If you're...

Group support

What is Spiritual Trauma and How Does it Impact Me?

For many people across the world, faith is a source of comfort. Being part of a religious or spiritual community may offer people a feeling of being connected to a higher power. Faith can often give a sense of meaning and purpose to one's life. Religion may also...

Beautiful tree

How Embodiment Can Help You Love Your Body

Most of us know that we should love our body. We should speak more kindly to it. We should nourish our body with three nutritious meals a day. We've been told to shut down body shame every time it rears its ugly head as we step in front of the mirror. But loving...

Happy young woman in front of street art

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