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5 Reasons Why You’re Stuck in a Toxic Relationship

My client sits on the couch across from me with a pained expression. She and her partner just had another fight where his anger scared and belittled her. When this situation happened not long ago, she promised herself she would leave if it ever happened again. But...

Upset woman, hands on face

Try this One Exercise to Accept Your Feelings

Acceptance is one of the most important skills you can master regarding your mental health. Whether you're learning how to live with grief, getting back into dating after a breakup, learning a new skill, working on your fitness goals, or assessing your strengths...

Anxiety vs Panic Attack: What you Need to Know

Have you ever worried about the way you worry? Worry is a normal part of life. But how can you determine if it’s gotten out of hand and it’s grown into something bigger like anxiety or panic? Worry can be overwhelming, isolating, terrifying, draining, and is often...

Why You Avoid Conflict and What to Do About It

Are you ever worried about rocking the proverbial boat? Do you find yourself feeling unsatisfied or resentful in your relationship because you’re worried that voicing your needs will lead to conflict and instead damage the relationship more? You’re not alone....

5 Tips to Ensure Your Vacation Supports Your Mental Health

After recently returning from a trip to the Pacific Northwest, I’ve been reflecting on how traveling is one of the best ways to improve your mental health, yet it is often underrated. Traveling can help reduce your stress and anxiety and has the opportunity to help...

The Anti-Resolution Post (and what to try instead!)

It’s that time of year again where our inboxes, televisions, conversations, and social media feeds are filling up with ideas for New Year’s resolutions and all the things we supposedly need to change about our lives to be happier and healthier. They always sound...

Why Self-Care is Self-Preservation

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.” -Audre Lorde   Many of us regard self-care as a luxury. But caring for ourselves and making sure we have what we need to be well is as Audre Lorde put it, “self-preservation.” Without tending...

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