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Tackling Trauma? Why EMDR Therapy May Be Worth a Try

I first discovered Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, better known as EMDR, while in grad school. At the time I was working as an intern at a residential mental health facility for individuals in recovery from acute distress associated with...

Women’s Mental Health Starts With Being Selfish

This month we celebrated women and girls on March 8th for International Women’s Day. I was reminded recently by an interview Brené Brown did with Melinda Gates on her podcast Unlocking Us about the power that women have to transform communities, economies, and...

Scheduled your first therapy session? Here’s how to prepare

You’ve researched and reached out, maybe called and contemplated, but you’ve officially scheduled your first therapy session, now what? We’ve outlined four things you should think through before your first therapy session.  How does your therapist make you feel? A...

Will you find hope and joy in this new year?

So many of us are preparing ourselves for a very different start to the new year. In the past, this time of year was filled with enthusiasm, gratitude and giving, and traveling and gathering with friends and loved ones; however, as we begin this new year, it feels...

3 Simple Ways to Use Mindfulness Every Day

Have you ever noticed your day flying without anything going quite the way you thought it would? Or maybe you get to the end of a long week and find yourself feeling really tired, frustrated, or unhappy and having no idea why? So many of us go through periods of...

Man starring into space, thoughful

What is Anxiety (and how should I feel about it)?

First off, Anxiety is normal. It’s a normal automatic reaction to stressors in our environment. Anxiety is not inherently bad. Its uncomfortable, it sometimes gets in the way. And because of the stigma around mental health, we’re led to think of anxiety as a bad...

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