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Healing From Infidelity? Find Your Power in a Support Group

Healing from infidelity can feel like you’re trapped in a nightmare that you can’t wake up from. One moment, everything seems stable, and the next, your world has flipped upside down. The person you trusted most in the world has betrayed you, and the pain is so raw...

How to Cope When Your Spouse Wants a Separation

Your spouse wants to separate, and you don’t. The reality of a marriage separation can feel like a heart-wrenching experience. As a therapist, it’s even emotional for me as I walk with my clients through a uniquely painful grief process. When separation is not what...

How You Can Heal From Betrayal Trauma

The discovery of an affair or act of infidelity is undoubtedly a traumatic event. When you find out your partner has been unfaithful, your brain is forced into disarray, busy recalculating everything you thought you knew about your relationship and its reality....

How to Spot and Stop Gaslighting in Your Relationship

Chances are you have heard the term gaslighting; it was even Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year in 2022. The psychology buzzword has been heavily used (and misused!) in recent years, which can, unfortunately, dilute its meaning. The definition of gaslighting is...

Couple fight

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