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How to Cope When Your Spouse Wants a Separation

Your spouse wants to separate, and you don’t. The reality of a marriage separation can feel like a heart-wrenching experience. As a therapist, it’s even emotional for me as I walk with my clients through a uniquely painful grief process. When separation is not what...

How to Spot and Stop Gaslighting in Your Relationship

Chances are you have heard the term gaslighting; it was even Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year in 2022. The psychology buzzword has been heavily used (and misused!) in recent years, which can, unfortunately, dilute its meaning. The definition of gaslighting is...

Couple fight

The Best Resources to Build Your Self-Confidence

Welcome to our Therapist Resource Roundup. Each quarter, we share a list of resources focused on a different theme our therapists often work through with clients. Every roundup will feature books, articles, videos, and podcasts that our therapists recommend for the...

Happy woman, sun beam behind her

Why Boundaries are the Solution to People-Pleasing

You've likely heard the term boundaries, but there needs to be clarity when practicing boundaries. Is a boundary just telling people no? Should you cut off someone when they hurt you? Is a boundary selfish? Do you ever bend your boundaries for others? Does a...

street art in the shape of puzzle pieces together

5 Reasons Why You’re Stuck in a Toxic Relationship

My client sits on the couch across from me with a pained expression. She and her partner just had another fight where his anger scared and belittled her. When this situation happened not long ago, she promised herself she would leave if it ever happened again. But...

Upset woman, hands on face

Try this One Exercise to Accept Your Feelings

Acceptance is one of the most important skills you can master regarding your mental health. Whether you're learning how to live with grief, getting back into dating after a breakup, learning a new skill, working on your fitness goals, or assessing your strengths...

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